
1578 • Le Cordon Bleu was named after the blue ribbon worn by “L’Ordre des Chevaliers du Saint Esprit”, a special order of knights formed by King Henry III. Due to the decadent feasts held by this Order in celebration of their victories, the name Le Cordon Bleu soon was recognized as a high standard for food quality, and has become a symbol of culinary excellence since the 16th century.

1895 • French journalist Marthe Distel starts a culinary magazine, “La Cuisinière Cordon Bleu”. In October, subscribers are invited to the first Le Cordon Bleu cooking classes.

1896 • The first class is taught at Le Cordon Bleu Paris on October 14.

1927 • The London Daily Mail newspaper’s issue on November 16 describes a visit to Le Cordon Bleu Paris: “It’s not unusual for as many as eight different nationalities to be represented in the classes”.

1931 • Rosemary Hume and Dione Lucas, who trained at Le Cordon Bleu Paris under the guidance of chef Henri-Paul Pellaprat, open L’Ecole du Petit Cordon Bleu in London. Four years later, they go on to open the restaurant Au Petit Cordon Bleu, also in London.

1942 • Dione Lucas opens Le Cordon Bleu School in New York. She also authors the bestseller The Cordon Bleu Cook Book and becomes the first woman to have a televised cooking show.

1948 • Le Cordon Bleu is accredited by the Pentagon for the professional training of young GI’s after their tour of duty. Julia Child qualifies and enrols in Le Cordon Bleu Paris.

1953 • Le Cordon Bleu London creates the “Coronation Chicken” dish, which is served to foreign dignitaries at the coronation luncheon of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

1954 • The success of the Hollywood movie Sabrina, directed by Billy Wilder and starring Audrey Hepburn, contributes to the growing fame of Le Cordon Bleu.

1984 • The Cointreau family, descendants of the founding families of Rémy Martin and Cointreau liqueur, takes over the presidency of Le Cordon Bleu Paris, following Mrs. Elisabeth Brassart, director of the school since 1945.

1991 • Le Cordon Bleu Japan opens in Tokyo and later in Kobe. The schools are known as “Little France in Japan”.

1995 • Le Cordon Bleu Paris celebrates its 100th anniversary as an ambassador of the culinary arts. For the first time ever, the Chinese authorities of the Shanghai district send chefs abroad for training at Le Cordon Bleu Paris.

1996 • Le Cordon Bleu Australia begins operations at the request of the New South Wales government, and provides training to chefs in preparation for the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney.

2002 • Le Cordon Bleu opens its doors and begins operations in Korea,Mexico and in Peru.

2006 • Le Cordon Bleu Thailand is launched in partnership with Dusit International.

2009 • Le Cordon Bleu schools around the world participate in the release of the Hollywood movie “Julie and Julia”, starring Meryl Streep as Julia Child, alumni Le Cordon Bleu Paris.

2011 • Le Cordon Bleu Madrid opens in partnership with the University Francisco de Vitoria.

2012 • Le Cordon Bleu Istanbul officially opens in partnership with Özyegin University. Le Cordon Bleu London moves to a new building in Bloomsbury Square. Le Cordon Bleu Malaysia is launched with Sunway University College. Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand opens in Wellington.

2013 • Le Cordon Bleu Istanbul gives first certificates to its first graduates Le Cordon Bleu Thailand is awarded the title of best culinary school in Asia. Le Cordon Bleu Philippines opens in partnership with Ateneo University in Manila.

2014 • Le Cordon Bleu schools worldwide participate in the launch of the movie The Hundred-Foot Journey. Le Cordon Bleu launches Bachelors in Hotel &Restaurant Management in India.

2015 • Le Cordon Bleu’s 120th year anniversary is celebrated around the world. Le Cordon Bleu Shanghai welcomes its first students. Le Cordon Bleu Chile opens in partnership with Finis Terrae University in Santiago.

2016 • Le Cordon Bleu İstanbul – Özyeğin University has its first graduates of the Undergraduate Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Bachelor Degree Program.

Le Cordon Bleu continues to develop internationally with its new schools and diversify its activities by broadening the selection of available programs, and establishing private and public partnerships.

Özyeğin Üniversitesi Çekmeköy Kampüsü Nişantepe Mah. Orman Sok. No:33 Çekmeköy/İstanbul
Tel: +90 216 564 9398
E-Posta: lecordonbleu@ozyegin.edu.tr
Copyright © Le Cordon Bleu, 2024